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Feb 25, 2021

Key strategies to travel safely during the COVID 19 pandemic: What are the current COVID 19 travel restrictions for people living in the United States? How safe is air travel/flying during COVID? How do I optimize safety and convenience while traveling or flying during a pandemic? Where can I find the latest coronavirus...

Feb 22, 2021

Dr. Yellowlees discusses strategies for optimal mental health and wellness during the COVID 19 pandemic, and tips for avoiding anxiety, depression, and social isolation.

Peter Yellowlees, MD is Professor of Psychiatry and Cheif Wellness Officer at UC Davis Health. He has published seven books and over 200 scientific...

Feb 13, 2021

Dr. Victoria Male explains key issues related to COVID and pregnancy including coronavirus vaccine safety, fertility questions, breastfeeding, antibodies, and more.

See more on the research related to these topics in Dr. Seheult's video here:

Victoria Male, PhD is a Faculty of Medicine at...